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Scandinavian wooden houses

If you desire to build a house in Moscow or Kaliningrad in Scandinavian style, you should know that the distinguishing features of these houses are simplicity, naturalness and even moderate northern severity. This look is achieved by using rounded logs or glued beams of big diameters and cross sections. Due to mild weather conditions in Moscow and Kaliningrad wooden houses are built from logs with the diameter of 200-220 mm. However, if you opt for Scandinavian style, you are recommended to choose rounded logs with the diameter of 240, 260, or 280 mm. Such a house will not only be beautiful and warm, but also solid and respectable.

Скандинавские дома

Traditionally Scandinavians give preference to glued beams in building wooden houses. However, houses from rounded logs have been enjoying great popularity recently. They are considered to be the most ecologically-friendly houses iproving their residents’ health and welfare.

Architects of “Kirovles” have been repeatedly convinced that creating traditional Scandinavian style in the exterior and interior of a house does not require a lot of efforts. The most essential things are using natural construction materials and color schemes.

Other distinguishing features of Scandinavian houses are large verandas and balconies, solid roofs with massive rafter systems and big overhangs which must protect the house from strong winds and withstand snow loads.  However, due to mild climate in Moscow and Kaliningrad these roofs have a solely decorative function giving the house the power and strength of old Vikings.

Скандинавские дома

Peculiarities of planning wooden houses in Scandinavian style

Fascinating projects of Scandinavian houses enslaving hearts of our clients enable them to choose projects of ideal homes.

It is a house, on the one hand, filled with nature and forest fairy tales, on the other hand, corresponding to the requirements of a modern person seeking maximum comfort.

As a rule, houses in Scandinavian style are one-storey or with mansard roofs with large panoramic windows in the central façade. More often than not glass structures start right at the floor of the first storey and go up to the roof.  Our northern neighbors pay more attention to energy efficiency.

That is why Scandinavians pay great attention to the choice of glass units, the cost of which may sometimes exceed the cost of the house itself. Despite high costs, glass structures are necessary in northern countries because of gloomy weather and lack of sunshine throughout the year. So, their wish to make their houses maximally light and spacious is understandable.

Basements and ground floors are not typical of such houses, neither are various oriels and towers. Only functionality, comfort, coziness, modesty and laconism.

If you desire an organic, stylish, comfortable, warm and long-lasting house, turn to specialists of “Kirovles”. With our assistance it will not take long before you possess a cozy and reliable house in Scandinavian style.

Make a free call and arrange a meeting with one of the architects of “Kirovles” right now:

8 (4012) 77-80-20

Адрес в г. Кирове:

Кировская область, Оричевский район, п. Майский

Адрес в г. Москве:

Подольское шоссе, 8, к.5, БЦ «Подольский», офис 515

Адрес в г. Санкт-Петербурге:

Дунайский пр., 64, оф. 115, м. Дунайская, ТЦ «Максидом»

Адрес в г. Калининграде:

ул. Октябрьская, 8, "Рыбная биржа", офис 320 (3 этаж)
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