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A house starts from the wood

LLC “Kirovles” uses only premium quality pine wood. Pine trees and fir trees undergo thorough selection and sorting out. We use materials harvested only in regions having appropriate conditions for the slow growth of tress. Such wood has thicker growth rings, so houses built from it will be more reliable and energy-efficient.


Our company offers both ready projects of houses and bathhouses and individual ones. A project is the “picture” of your future home. A lot depends on who you will trust in planning and building a wooden house – construction costs, heating costs, longevity, safety and even seismic resistance. Up to 30 percent of construction costs can be saved thanks to clever planning.

First, a project is developed. Then, a house set is manufactured. After that, the house is assembled, everything is checked and numbered, and then the house is disassembled and delivered to your plot. In this way, all the elements are checked and ready for the final assembly which saves a lot of time and reduces construction period.

Planning peculiarities

Projects of wooden houses are considerably different from projects of stone houses, gas silicate houses, brick houses, etc. That is why it is essentially important to turn to professionals at the stage of planning.

First of all, it is connected with standard size materials. All wood processing factories in Russia use standard 6-meter wood. If the height of the house exceeds six meters, it is necessary to join rounded logs. Before workmen start doing this, architects will have to work out all the joints and exclude uneven contraction, cracking and cold bridges. By the way, wooden houses have an interesting peculiarity – there can be only even number of corners in a wooden house.


The assembly of a house is a responsible process. Although the elements are ready for assembly, we strongly recommend that you turn to workmen specializing in wood work.

For instance, the reliability of a house to a great extend depends on the quality of securing the first row of logs on the foundation. Furthermore, logs are fastened using   bolts, drift pins, lag screws, log screws and spikes, the so called mechanical fasteners. Additionally, it is necessary to use insulation material between the layers as it will increase energy efficiency of your house. For the purpose it is best to choose natural materials such as flax fiber.

Special attention should be paid to intermediate floors.

Деревянные дома

Important to know

After all the elements have been assembled, you will get a ready “box” which will need a roof and some decorative work. It should be pointed out that use of frame elements, gypsum cardboard, facing tiles, and other decorative elements is possible only if the wooden house has an independent frame which will prevent the deformation of different structures.

The roof of a wooden house is the main building structure. If it is not assembled properly, it will cause quite a lot of frustration and extra costs.

Ready to help

Our company takes into consideration the peculiarities of wood contraction and uses the so called “gliding joists” allowing to prevent the consequences of contraction on the roofing system.

Moscow and Baltic coast are regions with high humidity that is why wooden houses must be built using special technologies which have been developed by our specialist and are “know-how” of “Kirovles”.

Деревянные дома

Адрес в г. Кирове:

Кировская область, Оричевский район, п. Майский

Адрес в г. Москве:

Подольское шоссе, 8, к.5, БЦ «Подольский», офис 515

Адрес в г. Санкт-Петербурге:

Дунайский пр., 64, оф. 115, м. Дунайская, ТЦ «Максидом»

Адрес в г. Калининграде:

ул. Октябрьская, 8, "Рыбная биржа", офис 320 (3 этаж)
+7 (4012) 77-80-20 - Ежедневно c 09:00 до 20:00
+7 (981) 477-80-20 - WhatsApp | Viber
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